riday Nights are back! The popular series returns, offering live music, poetry, films, dance, tours, lectures, cocktails, food, artist demonstrations, and interactive art projects. Enjoy a variety of musical performances ranging from punk, jazz, and opera to avant-garde hip-hop jazz; performance art; artwear demonstrations; art works made from recycled clothing; student designers and more. Vivienne Westwood: 36 Years of Fashion, store, and cafe stay open on these evenings. Docent Tours of the exhibition are offered at 7:30 (through June 10).
Thanks to our media sponsor San Francisco Bay Guardian
Wilsey Court, 6-8:30 p.m.
An Evening of Powerful Women: Live musical performances by the "Opera Lady" of San Francisco, Litz PLummer (www.theoperaladysf.com), and jazz singer Betty Fu (www.bettyfumusic.com). Couture performance by Monique Jenkinson, a.k.a. Fauxnique, in collaboration with fashion designer Mr. David.
Official Website: http://www.thinker.org/deyoung/calendar/day.asp?categoryid=32&calendarid=2816&day=4%2F3%2F2007
Added by seantimberlake on April 3, 2007