It's our Friday Night Delights!
The hottest spots in Hollywood open their doors to SpeedLA Dating for a night of cheeky fun - UK Style!
Singles Event - The Kress
The Kress -
No expense was spared at The Kress, with a basement club straight out of Las Vegas, a ground floor restaurant, a third floor lounge begging for Paris Hilton and an inspired view-laden rooftop deck with a full service bar and raised cabanas on both sides." LA Times
"If Donald Trump ever decides to put a sushi bar in Hollywood, he will have a hard time trying to outdo the Kress. Nightclub-cum-Sushi Bar, the Kress has given Hollywood a completely new category of luxury entertainment and excess" ChowHound 2008
"SpeedLA Dating of Beverly Hills will create that absolute romantic ambience which you never get anywhere else." LosAngeles 265
Ladies arrive at 7:30pm for a complimentary makeover by a certified cosmetologist. See website for more details.
Find Marley, our resident bear, and win $50 cash!!!
Chat up one of our playful British Hosts.... or try an SpeedLA Ice Breaker to start the chat off right.
Fancy a go?
See what the press have to say about SpeedLA Dating!
468 N. Camden Drive.,
Suite 322
Beverly Hills, Ca 90210
Los Angeles * San Francisco * Santa Barbara * Seattle * New York City
Added by speedladating1 on April 19, 2010