6555 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, California 90028

On Friday Dec 18, INCOGNITO Global throws its last King King party for 2009 by flying in one of the TRUE GODFATHERS of HOUSE MUSIC, MARSHALL JEFFERSON for an insanely rare LA appearance.

INCOGNITO has been known for bringing a myriad of Leading DJs from all over the world, usually in their 1st LA appearance, different from the usual LA bookings. From Chymera, to Juan Diaz to Eric Kupper to James Holden, INCOGNITO has pushed the envelope musically, and that has made its past 2 1/2 years of Friday nights, always very well attended. But for its last party for 2009, before INCOGNITO goes on a tour of Asia and Europe over the holidays, it again defies the norm and goes back to the past and brings you a real GODFATHER of HOUSE, and not just because he was there at the beginning.

MARSHALL JEFFERSON is not only one of the earliest producers of House music, but he raised the bar and is the standard for almost everything that we hear in House today. To start of, he was the 1st DJ to use the piano on a house track, it was titled, "House Music Anthem (Move Your Body). More than 20 years later and countless tracks after, its considered by many as still the greatest House song ever produced. Even today, almost, if not all of the DJs, has that song ready to play and make dancefloor sweat at a moment's notice.

But it doesn't end there. MARSHALL JEFFERSON also produced the 1st ACID HOUSE song & album and was intrumental in the launch of the career of DJ Pierre. Oh and he was also the first DJ to use SOUL HOUSE VOCALS in a track, launching the careers of Ten City, Kim Mazelle and Cece Rogers. Oh and for the techno world, he was the 1st DJ to use the TB303, the most sought after instrument for techno producers before ableton. In fact, by 1987, MARSHALL JEFFERSON was the 1st Chicago DJ to tour Europe, including UK.

But even if you forget all of that, remember this. The list of careers that Marshall has helped or launched reads like a who’s who of dance music; Roy Davis Jnr, Felix Da Housecat, Lil Louise, Frankie Knuckles, Steve “Silk” Hurley, and many others, not including the thousands of producers and DJs that have been influenced and inspired by him.

Simply put, if you consider yourself a real lover of House and Dance music, then its time to turn INCOGNITO and give respect to the DJ who was so cutting edge in his time, he pretty much laid the path for everybody else to follow. Trust when we say, this one is going to be LEGENDARY.

*JOIN the GUESTLIST NOW and get $5 entry til 10pm, $15 til 11pm by RSVP-ing to rsvp@incognitola.com or click the flyer below:


:: M A R S H A L L . J E F F E R S O N
:: The Godfather of House
:: http://www.myspace.com/housemusicgodfather

:: S C O T T . K
:: Box Music _ Nitty Gritty
:: http://www.myspace.boxmusic

:: C A C H E . + . F R A N C O . B E N I T O
:: Incognito

:: D J . Y U T A X
:: Afro99

:: I A N . 1 0 1 2 . + . A L A N 2
:: Incognito


// D E T A I L S ////////
* 21+ with ID | 9:30PM-4:00AM

// L O C A T I O N ////////
* King King
* 6555 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028

// T I C K E T S ////////
* $10 Advanced Tickets at Groove Tickets (http://fla.vor.us/incognito)
* $5 before 10:00PM, $15 until 11:00PM, $20 after with RSVP

// G U E S T . L I S T ////////
* http://www.incognitola.com/rsvp
* rsvp@incognitola.com
* Facebook, Going.com events

// V I D E O S ////////

// F O L L O W . U S ////////
* http://www.incognitola.com
* http://twitter.com/incognitola
* http://incognito.fanbridge.com
* http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid-7975670820

*INCOGNITO will be on tour over the Holidays to SF, Amnesia London, Hong Kong, Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand, and we will be back @King King on Friday, January 15, 2010*

Official Website: http://www.incognitola.com/rsvp

Added by alan2 on December 6, 2009

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