'Friday After 5' is a weekly summer-long series of free outdoor concerts held on the riverfront in Owensboro, KY. Recently named one of the "Top Ten Summer Festivals" in Kentucky, 'Friday After 5' begins before Memorial Day and continues every Friday through Labor Day weekend. The festival includes live bands, family events, food and entertainment each Friday After 5 until 10pm at the RiverPark Center. 'Friday After 5' includes four venues of entertainment: 1) a live band playing on the main stage (BB&T Plaza overlooking the Ohio River), 2) Karaoke singing in the RiverPark Center Courtyard, 3) Street Fair that includes vendors, unique children's events and booths and 4) 'Gospel on the River,' a series of free concerts each season featuring three different gospel groups in RiverPark Center's Cannon Hall, which seats up to 1,500 people. The street fair has a different theme each week and includes Car shows, Civil-War Re-enactors, Salute to First Responders, and more.
Added by Upcoming Robot on May 5, 2010