3422 Laura Koppe Road Houston Tx 77093
Houston, Texas

Fresh Start Community Haven, Inc. (Fresh Start) is a non-profit Emergency Shelter and Transitional Living Program that seeks to assist homeless or at risk of being homeless Same Gendered Loving/Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning (SGL/ GLBTQ) Young Adults between the ages of 18 to 24 in Houston, Texas. Our mission is to serve and assist SGL-LGBTQ Young Adults throughout the communities of Houston, Texas who are underserved, unserved and intentionally marginalized by providing them with access to services that will enable to establish, regain and/or maintain independent, productive, and prosperous lives; as well as fostering one’s own Wholeness and Wellness, and creating a sense of community for all. Through housing, education and life-skills training, we seek to produce productive independent citizens of society who will make positive contributions to the community overall. It is our goal to rally the community at large around that purpose.

Please help make this event a success

Special Guests Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Councilman Ed Gonzalez,
Councilman Jarvis Johnson,
Bishop Yvette Flunder, Bishop Wyatt Greenlee and many others

Silent Auction, Vendors, Food, Fun, Music and Fellowship

The ticket prices are $25.00 each.

If you are interested in attending this event please call Fresh Start 281-903-7399 or call Toni 832-876-6260

Please purchase your tickets here: http://www.podcc.org/freshstart.htm

Tax deductible donations may be forwarded to: Fresh Start, PO BOX 131821 Houston, TX 77219- 1821 or go to our website www.freshstartch.org & www.podcc.org/freshstart.htm to make your donations. We also need support from our local business to donate Silent Auction Items. Please email us freshstart3422@gmail.com for any other questions. Please make checks or money orders payable to Fresh Start.

Our goal is to raise $150,000 to assist with the grand opening of the two facilities from now until March 20, 2010. This can Only happen if all of us put our efforts forth to donate and help to get the word out.

So, the Question becomes… Can Fresh Start count on YOU?

Added by ISMM on March 11, 2010

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