We are in the home stretch here as we approach LoveFest, and we are super excited because our float is going to be EPIC! The passion and enthusiasm that is coming out of our pores by promoting organ donation awareness mixed with great music and great vibes, will be thoroughly displayed on our float. This is something I can promise you we will deliver on:)
On Sept. 26th, our monthly party sees one last opportunity to fundraise for the float, inform about organ donation awareness, and promote our Lovefest float.
We thought it would be appropriate for our special guest dj this month to be one of our guest djs on the float, the always lovely and talented, DJ Shooey (The Deep End, djshooey.com). What is even more significant about having her is that her father is a liver recipient!
Please come on out and support this great cause, our party, and while your at it, dance to some seriously great music. As always, your resident djs fLOORCRAfT, Iyad, and Jonboy will be there to deliver the sounds you all love.
Free b4 10pm and $5 after. Please note that ALL proceeds go back to the California Transplant Donor Network, who fully funded our float.
Don't Forget FLIP 4 IT from 9-11. Flip a coin with the bartender. If you call it, the drink is FREE!
Sign up to be an organ and tissue donor by going to http://www.donateLIFEcalifornia.org
Official Website: http://shinesf.com
Added by fLOORCRAfT on September 22, 2008