46 Minna Street
San Francisco, California 94105

"Freedom of Style"

Tuesday July 3rd, at Harlot.
San Francisco's newest place to be!
46 Minna Street (www.harlotsf.com)
Hosted by Nate Mezmer, featuring DJ Sam Isaac.

"In light of the national holiday the next day, in honor of the 1st amendment and in the spirit of the San Francisco Bay Area!"

DRESS CODE: Guests are to wear T-shirts expressing themselves in any way they see fit. Funny, political, sexy, arty, vintage, etc.

RSVP for Guest List: natemezmer@gmail.com

Celebrate freedom of speech with "Freedom of Style."


Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/natemezmer

Added by Nate Mezmer on June 24, 2007