The Freedom From Fear Campaign is a response by concerned citizens of Puget Sound to what they believe is a grave Constitutional crisis:
* The Defense Authorization Act of 2006 empowers the President to impose martial law in the event of any incident deemed by the President to be an act of terrorism.
* The National Defense Authorization Act of 2007 permits the President to command National Guard troops without the consent of state governors.
* The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive gives the President dictatorial powers in the event of a "catastrophic incident."
* The Military Commissions Act suspends the writ of habeus corpus.
* Those who dissent against the invasion and occupation of Iraq may now have their assets seized.
* Presidential signing statements have nullified laws passed by Congress over 1,000 times.
The response of the media to this alarming erosion of democracy and civil liberties has been silence.
On Tuesday, September 11, the Freedom From Fear Campaign will sponsor a funeral march for all that has been lost since the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
The silent march will begin at the Space Needle at 11:00 a.m. and proceed to Seattle's major media centers, ending in Westlake Center. Several actions will occur from 4:30-6pm. Come join us and reclaim your freedom from fear.
All who mourn the loss of innocent life, as well as the subsequent loss of civil liberties, are invited to wear black and join the procession.
CONTACT: Rita Weinstein,
Official Website:
Added by communitysteps on September 5, 2007