1301 V St. NW
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia 20009

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be able to speak and act with spontaneity, confidence and humor without a second thought? Improv gives you the tools to get yourself out of bad situations and into awesome ones. The Washington Improv Theater’s free, low-stress workshops focus on creativity, communications and teamwork and are taught by our enthusiastic and professional instructors who establish a fun and trusting atmosphere.
Please pick a date below and register here for your FREE improv workshop: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HPHFFCM. Write down the location and your chosen time, because once you complete the survey you are totally registered and we'll be expecting you. You will receive an email confirmation only on the morning of the class.

Wednesday May 25, 7-9PM
Thursday May 26, 7-9PM
Friday May 27, 7-9PM
Saturday May 28, 3-5PM
Sunday May 29, 3-5PM
Monday May 30, 7-9PM
Tuesday May 31, 7-9PM

murphy@washingtonimprovtheater.com or 202-204-7773

For more information about WIT, check out our website: www.WashingtonImprovTheater.com.

Added by washingtonimprovtheater9876 on May 13, 2011