P.O. Box 270896
West Hartford, Connecticut

CT REIA and Than Merrill presents: A Free Webinar with Than Merrill – Turn Key Marketing Systems for Real Estate Investors
May 11th. 8:00 – 9:00 pm EST
Register at: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/248121785

Than will cover
* The top 5 best ways to find deals at 40 – 65 cents on the dollar in the next 30 days
* Done for you marketing strategies you can put to use right away
* How to attract boatloads of qualified buyers with great credit score in today’s market
* The top strategies for finding buyers on the internet for FREE
* What marketing strategies work and what strategies are a waste of time
* How to pre-screen all your leads and evaluate deals in 10 minutes or less
* How to build a business that will literally run itself
* Cutting edge technology you can use to match buyers with sellers
* See a demo of the software you must use that will run your whole real estate business… believe me you will be blown away at everything it can do for you

* Learn how to find deals 30% to 60% below market value on properties in your area. You won’t believe how easy it is
* How to find boatloads of qualified buyers and the 3 things you ABSOLUTELY must know to get your properties sold
* Learn how to automate all of your marketing and lead generation efforts

Who should attend this webinar
* People who are looking for a proven system to buy and sell real estate
* Anyone looking to profit from the foreclosure boom
* People who are looking for a way to build wealth using limited capital
* Anyone interested in a system to find buyers and get properties sold at lightning speed
* Anyone interested in learning how to profit in one of the best buyers markets in history
* Anyone interested in learning how to buy distressed property for literally pennies on the dollar

About Than Merrill
Than Merrill, the star of A&E’s “Flip This House” and founder of FortuneBuilders.com and CT Homes LLC, is one of the most successful real estate investors in the nation. Than is currently buying between 9 and 10 properties every single month. In the past five years he has bought and sold a total of over 350 properties nationwide.

Than is typically referred to as the “Marketing Maven” and he coaches over 2000 active real estate investors around the country. The key to his student’s rapid success and his company’s exponential growth is the turn key marketing and business systems he has developed which help his students generate leads from both buyers and sellers.

Than’s systems are some of the most advanced in the industry and his students around the country are experiencing unheard of success by using the systems he teaches. Than’s mantra is derived from the belief that “Business Process Automation” is the key to insuring guaranteed success in any marketplace. Than is totally committed to helping other investors obtain financial freedom by teaching them the principles of smart investing.

Than Merrill is a graduate of Yale University and a former NFL football player. After a very successful college football career, he played two year with the Chicago Bears and Tampa Bay Buccaneers before moving into a career in real estate development. Than is a national speaker for many Real Estate Investment Clubs around the country and has shared the platform with some of the top speakers in the country including Donald Trump, Tony Robbins and Robert Kiyosaki at the Learning Annex events.

Official Website: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/248121785

Added by CTREIA on May 4, 2010

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