CT REIA and Al Aiello presents: Free Webinar - LLC’s Have Great Money-Saving Benefits, but most are Worthless?
July 1 - 8:00 to 9:00 PM (EST)
Register for this event at: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/507180513
What You Will Learn
Learn How to Set up and Operate Your Real Estate LLC for Maximum Legal Protection, Tax Savings and IRS Audit Proofing - Save $1,000’s – WITHOUT Expensive Lawyers.
LLC’s can be used for all types of real estate transactions... Residential rental, commercial, wholesaling, short sales, rehabbing, new construction, sub-divisions, condo conversations, etc. So powerful are LLC’s, they have diminished the importance of limited partnerships, family limited partnerships, C-corporations, S-corporations and land trusts (although they can be combined with land trusts).
A properly structured LLC should...
* Protect your personal assets
* Save you substantial amounts of taxes
* Defend you against IRS attacks
* Prevent legal disputes and save you legal fees and hassles
* Enable you to successfully operate your real estate business
But Most do NOT!
Notice the above words "Potential Power." Below are the reasons why most LLC’s never reap the power of their great benefits.
Just about all attorneys, CPA’s and others, who form LLC’s, use barebones, boilerplate LLC documents. Consequently, your LLC is set up and operated WRONG, because these poorly documented LLC’s...
Do not shield you, causing your personal assets to be totally exposed. You therefore are not protected from legal actions (when you should). It is not the size of the entity, but rather the existence of complete and proper documents which provides the protection from personal liability for the LLC members.
Do not save you in taxes (when they should). Having certain Tax Elections and Tax Matters in the operating agreement and other LLC documents can generate for you, yearly tax savings you didn’t even know about.
Do not defend you against IRS (when they should). IRS auditors typically examine LLC legal documents to see if they support tax deductions and strategies. If they don’t, you are out the deductions and A LOT OF MONEY!
Do not prevent legal disputes with partners or others (when they should). Having the proper language would do this and save you from costly lawsuits.
Do not give you important operating guidelines for successfully running your business (when then should). LLC documents (esp. the operating agreement) should also be your roadmap to help you implement a profitable real estate business.
In short, most LLC’s simply do not give you the significant dollar-saving benefits that a well designed & documented LLC should give you!
About Al Aiello
Al Aiello specializes in Wealth Protection and teaches dynamic strategies on tax reduction, IRS audit-proofing, entity structuring and asset protection targeted for real estate investors and business owners. He has been a real estate investor for over 30 years. He first got his real estate license and went on to broker millions of dollars of real estate. He then got his CPA by passing the first time, not an easy accomplishment. Subsequently, he got his Masters in Taxation graduating with the highest honors in this rigorous program. He was immediately hired as adjunct professor where he taught partnerships, corporations, asset protection and real estate taxation (a course that he suggested, created and developed). He has been a business owner since 1980 including having had his own tax practice that specialized in real estate and IRS representation. As a national speaker with his home study courses, he has thousands of students across the country who use his strategies to pay little or taxes, to audit-proof their returns against the IRS and to protect their assets.
Find out how to setup LLC's and maximize savings at our upcoming Webinar with Al Aiello
Official Website: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/507180513
Added by CTREIA on June 24, 2010