Santa Barbara, California

Yes! It is Possible!

If you’ve ever wanted something and felt like it wasn’t possible…and that stopped you from getting started or continuing to persist, then take this webinar! We’ll be clearing up beliefs and feelings about something being impossible for us. This’ll help clear the way for you so you can get moving toward what you want!
Q: What is TAT®?
A: TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique®) has been shown to be an easy way to end stress and live a happier life. It is a combination of placing your attention on a set of statements and touching a few specific acupuncture points on your face and at the back of your head.

Q: When was TAT developed?
A: In 1993.

Q: Who developed it?
A: Tapas Fleming, a Licensed Acupuncturist in California.

Q: How many people have used it?
A: Hundreds of thousands.

Q: What's TAT good for?
A: Ending stress, especially traumatic stress; releasing limiting beliefs; freeing a person of allergic reactions; gaining self-confidence and a positive outlook on life; relaxation and better health.

Official Website:

Added by Amy Chamberlin on July 1, 2012

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