Free Family Valentine's Play Party for parents with infants age 0-2. Heart-felt family fun, sensory games, movement, laughter, and simple massage. De-stress and re-connect. Bring pillows and blankets. 256 Shoreline Hwy, Mill Valley, Marin. This is a free gift to the community. Space limited, pre-register necessary. contact: 415-846-8181. or Details at
This event is designed for mother, father and infant. Both parents and child must attend. This infant play party supports bonding and attachment between the parents and the infant. It will synchronize communication at the level of the infants semantic, attentional, and sensory levels of communication. The goal is to support parents to the full, relaxed, integrated and balanced in their own bodies and sensory systems (face, voice, hands and focus). This creates a good environment for the developing infant. A happy and healthy parents support happy and healthy infant development. Distressed parents contribute to stress in the infant's body. This increase is child developmental, educational and health risks. So this experiential play party is a fun and educational set of sensory and somatic games to help the family stay healthy and happy. At least one child in the family needs to be 0-2 years old. The games are oriented to their level of development.
Free - a gift to the community.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 4, 2009