When? Weds 16th May, 10am - 3pm, lunch provided.
Where? The Centre For Better Health, 1A Darnley Road (off Mare Street), East London, E9 6QH.
How much? FREE to CoolTan volunteers - sign up now! Places will go fast, so let me know. This is useful for anyone looking to boost their confidence and assertiveness, and feel better about speaking in public, speaking up at meetings or giving talks.
How do I join?
To sign up you must contact Clara on 0207 701 2696 or send an email to clara@cooltanarts. Registration is essential – you need to register to do the training.
What happens next?
We are looking for friendly people to help us run free guided walks in East London. We have other free training available for volunteers on this project. You can take advantage of this free training if you agree to help us run a few of our walks!
Added by Cooltan Arts 6527 on May 2, 2012