85 Huating Road (near HuaiHai Road)
Shanghai, Shanghai

Tanghui's weekly Acting Up! night will feature a special event next week - a performance of the A R Gurney classic, "Love Letters", by members of the East-West Theater Company, Christy Shapiro and Rob Tromp. The story of an off again-on again lifetime relationship between a couple told through the letters they exchanged, it's a funny, engaging, and sometimes poignant drama that has been a consistent favorite of Western theater. Show starts at 8:30PM at Tanghui, 85 Huating Lu, near corner of Huaihai Lu and the Changshu Lu Metro line 1 exit. Admission is free, but we hope everyone will buy at least one drink to encourage Tanghui to continue support such events. Seating is limited. For more information, or if you are interested in getting involved with Acting Up! or the EWTC, email robtromp@yahoo.com.

Added by ludiofelix on October 18, 2006

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