1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

A forum on behalf of the SF 8 will be held at the Berkeley Fellowship until 11pm including Richard Brown, a defendant in the SF 8, as well as the possibility of other of the SF8 defendants speaking .A preliminary hearing is scheduled for June 8th and the results will be explained by Richard Brown. The film "Legacy of Torture" will be screened depicting the horrible methods used to extract "confessions" 37 years ago and thrown out of court by the judge as deemed impugned by torture. .Jack Bryson, a spokesperson for the Oscar Grant family will also present the latest info on this cold blooded murder. Q&A will follow the presentations.

Co-sponsored by Committee for Defense of Human Rights, BFUU Social Justice Ctee
Donations welcomed for our on-going social justice work
Wheelchair accessible

Contact: (415) 226-1120
E-mail: freethesf8@riseup.net or elazar33@fastmail.fm

For occasional email notices of peace/eco/social justice alerts and related events at BFUU, send any email to:

Added by benburch666 on June 5, 2009