January 12th 12:00pm Pacific
Discover what you really need to know to turn your Website into your #1 salesperson during this FREE TELECLASS.
Are you tired of dealing with tire kickers and people who are only shopping on price instead of value?
Would you like your business to generate income for you even when you're not working?
Why not have your Website do all of this and more? It is possible. In fact, it's downright doable and well worth the time and effort. Besides, if you're doing social networking or online marketing, and your Website isn't sending you leads and making sales, your time and effort is wasted.
If you're ready to take your business to the next level in 2011, having an effective Website is key. Because the most effective Websites are virtual salespeople...
They attract new clients and customers, generate leads, make sales, stay in touch with prospects, grow your list automatically, and much more.
Thankfully, you don't have to be tech-savvy to understand how to make your Website more effective. And it doesn't have to cost a fortune to get a Website that truly helps you grow your business.
That's why I'm going to share exactly what you need to know and do to make it happen during this totally non-technical FREE Teleclass.
Join me to discover:
* What your Website can and should be doing to grow your business while you're busy doing other things
* The three key things your site has to do to make prospects buy from you-instead of the other guy
* What type of Website is the most effective, least expensive and easiest to build and maintain
* The two biggest (and most costly) mistakes most entrepreneur's make with their first Website and how to avoid them
* Three things you should know before you hire a designer OR start building a site yourself
* What customers truly want to know about you, your business, and your products on the Web
* AND get your own Website questions answered during the LIVE Q & A portion of the call!
Official Website: http://theunchainedentrepreneur.com/WebSalespersonTelesem
Added by FullCalendar on January 7, 2011