The Semantic Web is Tim Berners-Lee's full vision of what the Web can and will be. Webs of linked data will allow us unprecedented flexibility in how we produce and consume information. While many people have been waiting on the sideline for the Semantic Web to get here, others have been making it happen.
Groovy raises the bar on what is possible with Semantic Technologies on the JVM. A rich dynamic language that interacts with a rich dynamic data model is all kinds of cool. We will combine Groovy metaprogramming and its expressive syntax to extend several existing Java-based Semantic Web technologies. We will see how to consume machine-processable web pages using RDFa parsers, query data sources w/ SPARQL and even invoke an OWL reasoner.
This talk should be accessible to anyone familiar with Groovy. No Semantic Web knowledge will be assumed.
This is a free event, but please sign up here:
Official Website:
Added by zackskillsmatter on December 8, 2010