109 W Lancaster Avenue
Wayne, Pennsylvania

There will be a FREE SHOWING of two documentaries at the Anthony Wayne Movie Theater outside of Philadelphia! Here are the details:
5:00 P.M. - America: Freedom to Fascism (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N331kGvh0U0) - written and directed by the late Aaron Russo. This documentary successfully delivers one of the most shocking blows to the IRS & Federal Reserve system of any film out there. This is a GREAT introduction for any newcomers to the Freedom Movement, so make sure to BRING GUESTS! After the movie we will be heavily promoting End The Fed (www.EndTheFed.us), so after people learn about the "Frauderal Reserve" on Thursday, they will be FIRED UP to join us at End The Fed Philly just 2 days later! (Plan to leave work early if you have to! This will be a great moment of mass awakening!)

7:00 P.M. - 9/11: Blueprint for Truth (http://www.ae911truth.org) - This video is a recording of a famous presentation given by Richard Gage, a building architect of the utmost credibility and more than 20 years of experience. He founded the organization Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. This video delivers one of the most definitive and irrefutable sets of evidence that the collapse of the 3 towers (#1, 2, and 7) was a pre-planned demolition, not a spontaneous collapse. The revelation of these events will really raise you and your guests to another level of understanding in the Freedom Movement. It is highly recommended that everyone attend both films, and invite as many people as you can!

Official Website: http://9-11.meetup.com/401

Added by minchia on November 11, 2008

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