When faced with a quandary, how do you react: Are you pensive and deliberate, or wildly sporadic as you plumb the snaky bowels of the imagination? Ever wondered what it would be like to spelunk the musical depths of an unknown force? If wonder is a state of being you constantly employ, then make a pilgrimage to the Brainwash Cafe in San Francisco and wonder no further. Discover the conundrums presented by four sages of the unknown and mysterious; come to a place where music arrives in confusion and leaves with a few bruises indicative of a mild-spanking.
Come see Taru, the band that no one is talking about. We consistently shatter all non-existent expectations with each new performance.
This show is at the fantastic Brainwash Cafe in the City. We will be joined by our partners-in-crime: Temple of Roots and Beltaine's Fire for a show that shall not be forgotten... ever.
Temple of Roots goes on at 8pm, Beltaine's Fire at 9:30pm. Taru will make the grand entrance at 11:00pm.
Bring your sexy, leave with a little rock in your sock.
We are Taru, the Band.
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/taruband
Added by FullCalendar on July 12, 2007