145-149 Cardigan road
Leeds, England LS6 1LJ

We all know very well these proverbs "What goes around comes around", "What you do comes back to you", "As you sow so shall you reap".

Is it really true? Is there a law of action and reaction? If yes, then why bad things happen to good people? And why good things happen to bad people?

Our guest speaker Shikshastakam das has got a degree in Logistics and Administration. He used to work in Indian Air Forces. He also was very good tennis player and used to play in Indian national tennis league.

Like a monk who gave up his Ferrari, he also fully dedicated himself to spiritual practice in 1996 in one of the most spiritually successful and hospitable temples in the world - Chowpatty. He is running seminars on Lifestyle Management for management companies. Over 12 years he is advising young people on various issues. He is extensively traveling and running seminars in United Kingdom, Russia & Ukraine. Presently he is serving as a temple president in Nasik, Maharashtra.

We are very enthusiastically inviting everyone to the seminar by this wonderful and very qualified person. There also will be vegetarian food at the end.

The seminar is FREE, however little donation is recommended. If you need more information please phone 07726688778.

Added by Gouranga Festivals on May 3, 2010