5138 Ocean Blvd
Siesta Key, Florida 34242

Learn About Hosting Your Own Reality Internet Television Show
The Spiritual Broadcast Network, URL www.sbnvideo.tv is holding a learning seminar to introduce you to the concept of Internet Television and the extraordinary opportunities it presents for the promotion of your product, service or idea. We believe in people who want to advance planetary and personal consciousness in their work, we are therefore seeking spiritual minded people or business owners who want to improve the health of the body, mind and spirit and our planet. We want to unite all these diverse voices and talents under the umbrella of our communication broadcasting center, which is SBNvideo.tv
The Spiritual Broadcasting Network is a internet television station who’s studio is located here in Sarasota.We are at the stage in our development where we are actively seeking those who would be interested in hosting thier own reality show. Hosting your own show allows you to showcase your product, service or ideas by combining the power of television and the internet at what is still extremely affordable prices. There are many other opportunities withSBNviedeo.com, you can also advertise your products and services affordably around an existing show that dovetails with your product or service or you can create your own infomercials and use it on your own site. We are also seeking marketing consultants to work for our fast growing company. Come and find out what it’s all about and how it’s done. We invite you to attend our free seminar which will be held at the Local Bean Coffee House on Siesta Key on Wednesday, August the 22nd at 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Call 941-803-4206

Added by avanandamaui on August 5, 2012

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