75 Common Street
Watertown, Massachusetts 02472


Does stepping on a dance floor cause your tummy to tighten? Or do you dreamingly envision yourself gliding with an exquisitely graceful partner? Every moment we are invited to dance by the Loving Hand of the Divine. Yet for many of us the dance partner repeatedly facing us is Fear. Our tummies tighten as we stumble and trip our way back to the life’s sidelines. Where did the Divine Partner go? In this evening’s talk, let’s discover who really is this partner called Fear. We will leave with comforting tools that show us how to lead in the Face of Fear and how to follow in the Embrace of the Divine.

Added by bkboston on April 16, 2010


Shvetank Agarwal

This is really a nice theme for an evening conversation. We can almost see ourselves dancing with the Divine!! Our best wishes to the Boston center for this service!:-)
Kanishtha and Shvetank