155 East 3rd Street (at Ave. A)
New York City, New York 10009

The award-winning 2007 documentary Facing the Habit (Magnolia Martin, Director) will be premiering in NYC on Sunday, December 16, 7pm, at the Two Boots Pioneer Theater. The screening is FREE and open to the public. We hope to see you there!

Facing the Habit
Sunday, December 16, 2007
7pm; doors 6:30pm

Produced by Magnolia Martin, Miles Forman, Jennifer Piston

RSVP to info@facingthehabit.com

Two Boots Pioneer Theater
155 E. 3rd St.
(betw. Ave. A & B)
New York, NY 10009
F or V to Second Ave.


Facing the Habit tells the story of Dave, a former stockbroker/millionaire whose life has spiraled out of control due to his heroin addiction. In his desperate quest to become clean, Dave agrees to undergo treatment with ibogaine, an experimental substance derived from the West African root Iboga, which has recently been reported to cure drug addiction.

Facing the Habit is an intimate look into the life of the addict, as Dave's life is revealed before, during, and after the treatment.

"...compelling footage of addiction.....harrowing.....the unfortunate reality of addiction burns through every frame" - Natalie Mulford, Director, San Francisco Frozen Film Festival

"...a powerful documentary" - Kathryn Bonnici, Journeyman Pictures

Followed by after-party at JULEP w/ drink specials all night!

We appreciate your support and hope to see you December 16th!

Official Website: http://facingthehabit.com

Added by JennyFireballs on December 13, 2007

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