1200 U Street, NW
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia

The Institute for Public Accuracy, the Media Education Foundation, the Institute for Policy Studies and the Fund for Constitutional Government

invite you to the Washington premiere of the new film

Featuring Norman Solomon | Narrated by Sean Penn

A Media Education Foundation production based on Norman Solomon's book, "War Made Easy: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death."

Wednesday, June 20 @ 6 PM
True Reformer Building
Public Welfare Foundation
1200 U Street, NW
Washington, D.C.


Q&A with Norman Solomon and Producer/Director Loretta Alper
to follow the screening.

To ensure your seat, _call_ Hollie (hollie@mediaed.org) at 615.893.0495.

Official Website: http://www.warmadeeasythemovie.org/

Added by mjb on June 20, 2007

Interested 2