All Over the Place Videos and Patio Lounge presents a free comedy
video screening featuring bLoNd cHiLi (Los Angeles) and Hy-Deff
Productions (New York). Together you will be sure to laugh at least
once. Drink specials will assist in this matter.
Sunday, April 29th, 7:30pm
All Over the Place #4, bLoNd cHiLi & Hy-Deff
@ Patio Lounge
179 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Take the 2/3 to Bergen Street
Walk West down Bergen Street to 5th Avenue, turn left and head for #179.
Take the R to Union, Walk East up Union Street to 5th Avenue, turn
left and head for #179.
Official Website:
Added by sharonangela on April 18, 2007