685 Manzanita Ct
Chico, California 95926

Learn to be Richâ„¢ is a series of 2-hour Free Workshops that put the lessons of Rich Dad Poor Dadâ„¢ into action ... channel your desire for wealth into actual money-making investment opportunities... help you take that final step from saying "I can" to saying "I am"... give you the courage to succeed... and the know-how to achieve it!

At this workshop, you'll find out how to:

Find properties to boost CASH FLOW
Use real estate to build wealth - in any market condition
Turn foreclosure investments into financial gains
Overcome fear of failure and manage risk!

Our guests receive a free gift for attending! Seating is limited. Register now at:


Official Website: http://www.richdadeducationseminar.com/california-oregon/index.dtm?MID=2024075

Added by DigitalTM on January 12, 2011

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