In today’s competitive job market, having a clear and focused career strategy is the key to actually finding a career and job that works for you.
Now in its third season, this 6-session course provides tips and techniques; structure and coaching to help you develop and clarify the following, and put your real career search in motion as we explore:
* Where you’ve been – Your strengths, work experiences and unique value
* Where you’re going – Your vision for your life and career, as well as the qualities in a new job that will be most important to you
* How you’re going to get there – The messaging that you’ll use in cover letters, resumes, networking conversations and more, as well as your actual outreach strategy
FREE Preview Dates and Times
Thursday, March 22nd, 12-12:45 cst
Tuesday, March 27th, 7-8pm cst - Twitter Chat (use hashtag #sandboxchat)
Location: Via computer or phone
Dial-in information provided upon registration
Spaces are limited, so please register ahead of time to reserve a spot on the call.
Actual series will be held via webinar on Fridays (and one Thursday) starting March 30th. This course is limited to 6 participants only. Early bird registration until March 24th. For course registration details, go to
Added by ksutherland on March 14, 2012