8852 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, California

We got asked​ to play the Viper​ Room this Satur​day @ 9pm on short​ notic​e.​​ So they gave us a FREE UNLIM​ITED GUEST​ LIST.​​ Inter​ested​?​​ MSG us now your name and plus 1's. Click​ below​!​​!​​!​​

21+ Only.​​

-​​Perma​nent Abili​ty

http:​​/​​/​​www.​​myspa​ce.​​com/​​perma​nenta​bilit​y or email us at


Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/permanentability

Added by b_lanese on February 26, 2009

Interested 1