42 Main Street
Concord, Massachusetts 01742

Wednesday ~ December 26, 2012 ~ 7:30 PM

~ The Original Forum ~

FREE Original Live Music Open Mic & Short Films

Special Music Guests
Jeanne Ciampa & Josh Prensky

Hosted by Marty Beecy
& Claude von Roesgen

Main Streets Market & Cafe
42 Main Street, Concord, MA 01742
TEL: 978-369-9948
Road Map: http://mapq.st/vd0HGK

Main Street Market and Cafe is a quaint restaurant in a historical brick building in the heart of Concord Center, providing creative American cuisine in an old world atmosphere.

Short films running 2 to 10 minutes each are shown throughout the evening on a 60 inch high definition T.V. with a large sound system. The films consist of comedy, romance, horror (dark comedy) or a slice of life. This series is hosted by Marty Beecy & Claude von Roesgen

Marty Beecy ~ Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist

Marty Beecy is Presented by
Richard Axtman ~ Northern Music

Official Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/305992112851256

Added by Northern Music on December 20, 2012

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