You are Invited Saturday February 27th starting at 5pm to 9pm at Herbin Acupuncture & Wellness in Hillcrest. 3594 5th Ave 92103. This will be an Open House for Herbin Acupuncture & Come see my new location where I teach my lessons. Also come and meet Lara & Pauli the owner of Herbin and the Wellness Team. The team includes acupuncturists, massage therapists, a kettleball fitness trainer plus more. There will be complimentary food and drinks. Entertainment includes belly dancers, fire show, hula hoopers, DJ plus more. This will be an exciting fun event. Please come and share the fun. Spread the word and tell all your friends and family to join us. There will be drawings to win FREE services and products. SPECIAL PRICES for classes, events, and services if you come to the event and SIGN UP that night. This is a FREE Event. Looking forward to seeing you again or meeting you that night. Can't Wait!!!!!
Email me at to save your spot or if you have any questions.... See you Saturday!!!!
Official Website:
Added by ebyresa on February 22, 2010