15920 West Valley Highway
Seattle, Washington 98188

Wonder why others score 700+ on their GMAT? Find out what our students say about us and experience our online technology (best in-class simulation for real GMAT test interface)! Join us on the web for this special free workshop, presented by our senior instructor Mr. John Beer. Check out our popular InFocus Blog and Forum on GMAT, MBA Boot Camp, Admissions Advice and more!

When: Sat, January 26, 8:00AM-9:00AM PST
Sat, February 16, 8:00AM-9:00AM PST
Sat, March 15, 8:00AM-9:00AM PST
Where: Global Via Our Online WebEx classroom!
Host: Manhattan Review
What: Complimentary MBA Admissions & GMAT Training Workshop
RSVP: Register here: http://www.manhattanreview.com/contact/online/ (or call 212.997.1660 directly)

Anyone can attend our online sessions in their own time zone and at their convenience! Chat with the presenters in real time regardless of your Internet connection. The combination of our online WebEx training center and interactive whiteboard technology promises to give you a truly unique learning experience.

Manhattan Review is a multi-national educational services firm, founded by Dr. Joern Meissner in 1999. We are the only test prep and career training firm:
-focuses on helping you achieve the highest GMAT & TOEFL scores with the least amount of time and financial investments
-supports you before, during and after MBA programs with a full range of GMAT courses, MBA Admissions advisory services and Career Training courses
-whose founder is a professor and has extensive experience teaching MBAs at Ivy League business schools
-whose instructors include many top school Ph.D. graduates with substantial college-level teaching experience and accomplished MBA graduates with 99th percentile GMAT scores

If you are eager to start your GMAT preparation soon, here are our upcoming course options!
- Jan 26 & 27 – 2 Day Weekend Math/Verbal GMAT Crash Course in San Francisco
- March 29 & 30 – 2 Day Weekend Math/Verbal GMAT Crash Course in San Francisco

Here are our upcoming global online course options!
- Jan 19 – March 15 – 9 Sat Interactive Online GMAT Long Course, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST
- Feb 10 – April 13 – 9 Sat Interactive Online GMAT Long Course, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST

To assure a private setting for the workshop and our courses, please secure your place now! Cannot make it to the workshop? Just call or email us!

Visit us on the web at www.ManhattanReview.com.

Official Website: http://www.manhattanreview.com/news/events/online.html

Added by manhattanrev on January 18, 2008