2138 SE Division
Portland, Oregon 97202


Killing Us Softly

Created by Jean Kilbourne
Directed, edited & produced by Sut Jhally

SECTIONS: Does the beauty ideal still tyrannize women? / Does advertising still objectify women's bodies? / Are the twin themes of liberation and weight control still linked? / Is sexuality still presented as women's main concern? / Are young girls still sexualized? / Are grown women infantilized? / Are images of male violence against women still used to sell products?

Kilbourne uses over 160 ads and TV commercials to critique advertising's image of women. By fostering creative and productive dialogue, she invites viewers to look at familiar images in a new way, that moves and empowers them to take action.

There will be a discussion afterwards; please join us!

Location: 400 SE 12th & Oak

Official Website: http://www.redandblackcafe.com/?view=events

Added by multimodal on February 13, 2008

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