5644 Vineland Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91601

Become a Licensed Therapist in the State of California in a short 4 months.
Start a new career as a Massage Therapist and/or Physical Therapy Aide. Training cost is covered for eligible Veterans by JVS Veterans First. Massage Therapist and Physical Therapy Aides Are In High Demand. Job assistance is provided at the completion of the program. This program does not use or effect your veterans benefits.
Training cost is $0 for eligible Veterans.
Course lasts 4 Months
Monday thru Friday: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Course Runs: Monday, January 10, 2011 – Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Mandatory Orientation/Intake on December 21, 2010 (By invitation only)
Orientation and training to take place at:
IPPT Career School
5644 Vineland Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601
In Order to Qualify You Must Meet The Following Criteria:
- Must be a High School Graduate or have a GED
- Must Have a Valid State or Federal issued Identification Card. (e.g. Drivers License, U.S. Passport)
- Must Have Your Social Security Card
- Must have served at least 180 days in Active Duty. Any branch of service is acceptable. If you only served in the National Guard or Reserves they must have been activated to qualify.
- Must be 48 months or less separated from Active Duty. The candidate may still be serving in the Guard or Reserves.
- Can not have a Dishonorable Discharge. All other discharges are acceptable.
- Must be Committed for the Length of Training (4 Months):
If you meet all the criteria mentioned above and you are interested in this free program please e-mail us at info@ippt.com with the following information:

- Your Name
- Current Address
- Phone number
- Are you a High School Graduate or have a GED?
- Do you have a Valid State or Federal issued Identification Card. (e.g. Drivers License, U.S. Passport)?
- Do You Have Your Social Security Card?
- Have you served at least 180 days in Active Duty? Any branch of service is acceptable. If you only served in the National Guard or Reserves you must have been activated to qualify.
- Have you been seperated from Active Duty for 48 months or less? You may still be serving in the Guard or Reserves.
- Are you willing to commit to 4 Months of Training? Only 25 Spaces available to meet with a Veterans First Representatives.
"Equal opportunity employer/program."
“Auxiliary Aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.” Request for services, aids, and/or alternate formats need to be made 72 hours prior to your appointment by calling 323-960-1300 ext.315, TTY (323) 769-9187

Added by ippt on December 13, 2010

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