Experience Success Through Inner Peace
Change Your Life at our upcoming FREE Preview Teleconference
Have you ever wondered, what makes the difference in successful people's lives, personal relationships, and business relationships? It is inner peace applied to all aspects of life. If you are seeking greater achievement in all aspects of your life, and not just in business, but in anything and everything in the whole, fast-moving world of life, then you must attend The Live your Dream Life Workshop. Find out what the upcoming Living Your Dream Life Retreat in Clearwater, FL can do for you, what it has already done to help hundreds of individuals.
The Live your Dream Life Preview Workshop a little flavor of that retreat and will give you some of the knowledge to rid yourself of all the self limiting sub conscious negativity and eliminate the negativity that prevents you from being who you want to be. Register now, or call 727-538-4132, and become the next to experience the success that inner peace brings. REGISTER NOW FOR THE FREE PREVIEW WORKSHOP AND GET A CHANCE TO WIN A FREE $500 GAS CARD!!!Join Walking On Water, the nation's premiere organization that studies and perfects the art of successful living. Obtain the knowledge that you can use to grow your business and your life exponentially.
Free up life and attain total freedom! Consistently have all you ever dream of....weatlh, health, love, happiness and more! Overcome all your greatest fears. Follow a system that guarantees you dream life now. Get the guidance you need to get clarity, focus and a plan for success. Say GOODBYE to stress and misery forever! Get the ability to see and choose the right path to any life situations!
Have peace with yourself and everything you wanted is easily obtainable!
Are you concerned about the economy and the world we live in. Do you have fears about the stock market crash, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Oil Prices, War in Iraq, terrorism, hurricanes, global warming, health care issues, real estate crash, crimes, and countless other fears spoon feed to you everyday?
Do You want to stay calm, centered and focused but find yourself listening to distracting "self talk" that encourages a sense of fear? Do you have definite goals you want to achieve but feel a sense of doubt because of what's happening in the economy? Are you making decisions on what you can and cannot have based on your current circumstances?
IMAGINE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF..........You were not affected by the current world circumstances and were able to put your total focus on the "results you want to have." You were able to live in the "present moment" feeling the peace, and joy the present moment brings. You were using your "intuitive guidance" to direct you to having the business success, financial rewards, relationship success and whatever else you want to bring into your life.
Let me tell you about why I like to help you. I know that my adversity has leadme to this mission in my life. "All adversity leads to great things in life." I have personally experienced more than my fair share of adversity. Arriving motherless, from Vietnam as a political refugee at the tender age of only two, my family fled Saigon to seek a better life when we escaped the war worn country. We were rushed onto a small wooden fishing boat with my father and my two brothers. This badly overcrowded local-family fishing vessel which usually occupies 35 to 40 people was dangerously overcrowded with 420 refugees.
The boat headed out for the open seas taking enough provisions to last at most, 3 to 4 days. It was soon attacked by ruthless pirates who set the boat adrift, for what became a harrowing and treacherous 3 week experience. During this tragic journey into the open seas, other coastal marauders boarded their boat seven separate times. On one occasion, I was nearly thrown overboard simply due to my sickly condition. The boat was eventually rescued by the Malaysian Coast Guard.
Those who survived the nightmarish ordeal were transported to an American refugee camp in the South Pacific. For 14 very long months, our family lived in savage conditions before finally immigrating to the United States in 1980. The hardships endured within the refugee camp were soon replaced by the reality of starting over in a new country, with a new culture, no money, while not being able to speak a word of English. I would spend the next 10 years of my life growing up in poverty amongst the immigrant enclaves of the Washington, DC metropolitan area. As a poor, uneducated child, unfamiliar with all aspects of American life and culture, I overcame phenomenal personal and cultural obstacles. My determination, relentless persistence, and driven will power led me to succeed. Despite the adversity, I worked hard, excelled academically in high school, and eventually put myself through college at the University of Maryland.
After college graduation, I set a personal goal to become financial free and secure by the time I was thirty years of age and built a business selling insurance and securities. Despite impressive initial success, my business would later struggle and then collapse after the terrorist attack of the 9-11 tragedy and its negative financial aftermath. Emotionally and financially distraught, I turned to motivational books and tapes to uplift my spirits and my personal outlook on living life to the fullest. That was when he encountered what I would say is one of the "greatest gifts" in my life, a book written by Deal Donald Walsch entitled: Conversations with God, which shortly thereafter lead me to a series of teachings by Eckhart Tolle, namely The Power of Now and A New Earth.
Through it all, I am lucky to have those unlucky experiences, because without those adversities I won't have been lucky to gone thru the many wonderful experiences that led from those setbacks. Now, I can look back and thank the Universe that because of those adversities I live in TOTAL PEACE OF MIND AND with TOTAL FREEDOM.
I like toshare with you a simple and proven system clears the cause of your stress and adversity to give you access to an abundance of energy and intelligence for creating the life you desire. You will live in a condition of inner peace and well-being after you learn this secret when you attend our weekend retreat.
Let's face it, you woke up tired, but you still have big goals and many responsibilities for the day. There are errands to run, family to care for, and results to produce. And you want to accomplish it all. After all, there is so much you want to contribute to those you love and the community to which you belong.
As the day progresses, the pressure builds. You can feel it in your body. It may be a tightening in the "gut" or heaviness around the shoulders. It may be just plain ol' jitteriness. Or perhaps your digestion doesn't work efficiently . . . or you find it difficult to breath freely . . . or your doctor told you that your blood pressure is too high. You may just look and feel old and worn out.
The pressure also ties up your thoughts. They spin, focusing on all the things that have gone wrong . . . that could go wrong. You feel yourself pushing harder to get through the tight body and your whirling mind to achieve your goals. You are depleted. A sense of failure creeps in. Will I ever do what I say? Will I ever get what I want? You feel inadequate, then guilty.
With all this pressure and guilt, you are not really available to the people in your life -- your treasured family, your valued friends, your co-workers. You are full of complaints and maybe short-tempered. Eventually you will look for someone to blame. You won't have to look far -- it will usually lands on someone you love.
Stressed, stressed, stressed! You are stressed out, ineffective and powerless to produce the results you want in life. The stress has been going on so long that you can no longer remember how life was without it -- how free and easy life was, how full of adventure. So if you are overworked, stressed, under loved and feel you are going thru adversities...great or small, I can tell you I've been where you are.
Each of us has felt the same symptoms of chronic stress that you are experiencing now. At various levels -- physically, mentally, and spiritually -- we have each been sick and tired. We have each looked around to see that we weren't getting what we truly desired in our lives. You can put an end to your stress and adversities forever because I'll share with you how chronic stress affected you -- and what you can do about it!
Imagine yourself in your ideal place and being whoever you want to be and doing whatever you want to do?
Long, peaceful moments of reflection as you ...Clarify what matters most to youDesign your blueprint for changeConsciously create the life you envisionRelease old patterns and beliefsRenew your body, mind and spirit
Register now to our Preview event at 727-538-4132 or
http://LiveYourDreamLifeRetreat.eventbrite.com and you can see the stress and adversities melt away slowly and slowing until your new you and your new life emerges.
Do it now while it's fresh in your mind, because in the world of turmoil and fear, this is the time to make that move you know you always needed.
I like to see you at the retreat so you can change your life for the better now! Register today:
This is a true story ...
Back on September 12, 1957, a market researcher named James M. Vicary announced the results of a revolutionary six-week experiment conducted in a New Jersey movie theater.
Vicary revealed that a high-speed projector was used to flash the slogans "drink Coke" and "eat popcorn" for a fraction of a second multiple times on the screen. The result?
Popcorn sales went up 57.5 percent and Coke sales went up 18.1 percent proving once and for all that subliminal programming works!
While the psychiatric community was thrilled about this new discovery, the government was outraged. They immediately banned this amazing technology, declaring it far too powerful for marketing purposes.
But while they expressly prohibited advertisers from using subliminal techniques to sell more merchandise, they did not place any personal restrictions on its use by ordinary individuals.
That means you and I are free to use it to achieve extraordinary results in our own lives, and re-program our brains for total success, no matter what we want to accomplish.
Imagine being able implant into your mind the very same power programming used by the world's most successful people ...
... athletes, scientists, entertainers, business leaders, billionaires, and many more!
These people are basically no different from you and I. As my basketball coach once said to our team when I was in high school facing a tough opponent, "They may be talented and big, but they all put their pants on one leg at a time."
However they do have one particular skill that's superior...
ultra successful people use their brains differently to achieve financial success ... and now you can too! Though it's a secret to most "normal" folks, highly successful people engage powerful thought patterns, called mind affirmations, to fully realize their potential and achieve their dreams.
These mind affirmations go by many names; success thinking, positive self-talk, internal programming, even motivational hypnosis.
No matter what you call them, they are universally used by successful people to acquire and retain power, including CEOs, politicians, actors, World leaders, entertainers, and other important circles of influence.
In these uncertain times sometimes it can seem like happiness is just out of reach. How can one learn to be happy when so much sadness and negativity seem to surround us every day?
I am so excited to tell you about an amazing two-day program called the Live Your Dream Life Now Retreat that we've developed to help you learn that happiness is always within reach regardless of what happens out in the world by teaching you how to use some of the powers the rich and powerful uses mentioned above. It is just one of many, many tools and techniques we will teach you.This retreat is the perfect introduction for self-aware people who've never experienced a terrific program. Whether you've never been to a life changing experience or you are ready to take the leap forward, or have been going to seminars before and want to recharge (or supercharge) your happiness engine, the Live Your Dream Life Now Retreat is the perfect opportunity to bring greater ease, clarity and comfort into your life.
In addition to yourself, perhaps there's someone you know and love (your son or daughter who's heading off to college, your new life partner with whom you want to share your 'Abundance' experience, a close friend struggling with life challenges) who is ready to experience the difference choosing happiness can make in their life. What a great experience to share together.
You get a $100 discount for each person you bring to the retreat. Weekend Retreat Info:
Time is passing by, join us for this remarkable program and make this year be your extraordinary year for yourself and those around you? If you are still not convinced and uncertain, I invite you to register for FREE to our 'Live Your Dream Life Now' PREVIEW WORKSHOP, call us at 727-538-4132 or go to
You can resolve your 'Stressful' life and get out of your comfort level and Renew Your Dreams Now at our Live Your Dream Life Retreat.
What to do, what to do, what to do? That is the question.
Stress management seems impossible -- and inadequate. You can't afford just another band-aid as you watch your life lose its vitality.When you awoke this morning, you hoped today would be different than yesterday. You prayed that the pressures of living would not affect you and you would feel deep satisfaction at the end of the day. As the day ends, you hope again. But you know the pressures are building, robbing you of your dreams, your health, and your relationships.
But first, let us talk with you about the ravages of stress - in all its forms. Stress is the most unrecognized, undiagnosed, untreated disease in the industrialized world. Millions suffer from it. You are most likely one of them.
Stress Starts Early in Life . . .
We were each born into a space of innocent openness, natural flow and the spontaneous desire for loving connection. Think about the qualities of babies and young children. Everything was you, and you were part of everything.
Your body was your key resource for experiencing the world. Since your sensations were all taking place in the moment, your attention was also always in the moment. As you began to learn language and access thinking, you gained facility in the world but you began to lose that feeling of spontaneous, effortless grace with which you were born.You began to identify yourself, not with everything, but as a separate entity. Substituting for the direct experience that had been yours, your thoughts of protection and learned behavior became increasingly real to you. In addition, you began to notice that you were not totally safe. Since you appeared to be separate (as did all of the beings around you), your survival and your happiness were not assured. Threatening tensions began to haunt you.
As you grew up, life produced ever increasing stresses every day -- school and business deadlines; the juggling of responsibilities; financial worries; traffic; and hurt feelings. To these daily stresses add the occasional peak pressures such as job loss; moves; relationship upheavals and confusion; illness, mental and physical traumas; births; and deaths.
Generally, as we experience these pressures, our bodies tighten and our minds get busy. Most of us cannot adequately process and release the tension that we experience. From the time of birth, it has been proven that we literally store and accumulate stress in the cells of our physical and mental bodies.
You can go from struggling in a business that was costing you money, to multiplying your income, releasing the things that weren't working and pursuing your passions... while helping other entrepreneurs do the same.
Register now to our FREE Preview event at 727-538-4132 or
At our retreat, we'll show you practically that the secret to success isn't going to be doing things the same old way. (this is the shocker, to face the truth and know that "business as usual" isn't going to work in our ever-evolving world.) So, rather than beat your head against the wall by doing the "same old, same old", We have developed THE formula for lasting success... one that brings true freedom.
So, how can you go from struggling in life to completely making multiple 6-figures and doing something you absolutely LOVE? That's EXACTLY what I'd like to share with you at our Live Your Dream Life Retreat and I will spill the 'beans' to ensure your success.
Register now while seats are still available at:
You will be exposed DIFFERENT ideas and information,
You will be exposed programming/secrets that will make you uncomfortable and force you to overcome issues you typically never think about.
Reprogram any aspect of personal/professional life that needs most change.
The fear of death
The fear of rejection
The fear of failure
The fear of everyday stress
The fear of being obese and/or ill health
The fear of ridicule
The fear of marketing/sales
Get rid of procrastination and stop living from crisis deadline to crisis deadline.
Learn to have loving relationships with your family members and others.
Build a life of your dreams which include abundance, wealth, inner peace, joy and love!!!
Eliminate your money problems forever and achieve financial freedom!
Reengineer your life with an action plan that can be used immediately.
Exercises/Tools/Resources/Applications to achieve : Total Peace of Mind/ Self Respect/ Loving Relationships/ Financial Wealth/ Great Health/ Inner Peace and a Deep Spiritual Connection
If You Focus On "Your Ideal Life" Without Being Distracted By Your Current Circumstances You Will Create Extraordinary Success! Develop a "new level of consciousness" that will allow you to successfully create the life you envision for yourself. Deepen your personal intuitive connection and experience more powerful results in your business and personal life.
A Time to Kill.....
It's time to kill your fears once and for all. Fear is the number one killer of your dreams and happiness and studies show that fear can be linked to many known disease, ailments, stress, war and lives! I just read an article in Net Worth Magazine that a man (asuccessful broker)killed his family and then himself because he lost a fortune in the stock market. The root cause of his anger was 'fear.' Of not having enough, of not living up to other people's standards, fear of failure, fear of ridicule, and so many other reasons caused by nothing other than fear related.
Before we say more about our system to resolve fear and renew dreams, let us share with you individual journeys to kill fear. (see testimonials below in the link attached) As you look at where you can be, you can see why it was so important to each of us to transcend our limits by killing fear.
We will show you some pretty revealing testimonials that our system works for processes of resolving fear. As the individual testimonies attest to the lightness in being that reflect more life and light.
Notice the testimonials and personal stories of those that attended our retreats, if you look into their faces; is it softer, kindler, gentler? Can you feel their flowing energy? Their lightness in being? Are they tightening up or opening up? Do they appear more or less healthy? See how many subtle distinctions you can make.As our feares cleared, we noticed that our dreams were renewed. After all, it's almost impossible for your desires to break the bonds of fear.
Traditional Motivational Techniques Don't Work
They simply offer temporary relief. You're not going to change the world. The external fears will keep coming -- time and money pressures, relationship and career challenges, traffic, health concerns, environmental fears, separation from the easy clarity of your intuition or direct-knowing, alienation from your essential nature.
Motivational techniques only deal with relieving the immediate symptoms of fear. They can't resolve the fear reactions that keep you constantly under pressure. They can't resolve the old fears that you have stored in your body.Traditional fear management techniques don't get to the root of the problem -- your automatic internal reactions to those external pressures and challenges.
Here's how deep the fear goes in you . . .
Very early in our lives you created protective strategies to make sure that you were OK in the world. The trouble is that you become so identified with the strategy, IT began to run YOU. You may not even notice how programmed you've become. It is difficult to see oneself. But others see ourselves and our fears more clearly. By disconnecting the automaticities of your thinking and behavior is key to resolving fear once and for all.
How can you make such a basic shift your way of being?
You likely have experienced success in some domains of your life - perhaps in many domains. You have created at least some of the things that you want. However much you've succeeded thus far, there has probably been a HUGE cost. And your attention is probably on the areas of your life where there is no fulfillment. Pushing through fear does not make fear go away. Pushing through is hard work and simply pushes the fear underground - under the radar, where they are usually stored in your body.
Living in stillness produces a quiet mind full of inner peace, joy and harmony and a body with youthful vitality and vibrant health. The negative effects of your automatic re-activeness to life clears when you learn to let go into stillness. Happily, many people are recognizing the importance of stillness.
Eckhard Tolle (author, A New Earth) and Elizabeth Gilbert (author, Live, Love, Pray) -- thanks to Oprah! -- have made the importance of stillness a mainstream conversation.
We define stillness simply as non-disturbance, a place beyond the tension of your body . . . beyond the noise of your ego mind . . . beyond the contraction of your energy field.If you attend to stillness, resourcefulness arises naturally. Your full potential and capacity is always there, "sourcing" everything while you are otherwise distracted.Getting to stillness is simply a process of eliminating the noise, 'killing the fear.' You turn off the noise by letting go of contraction and resistance in your body and mind and with that, fear can not exist there. It's like a mouse when light shines on it, it has to find a 'dark' place to hide into (noise/negativity/pain/fear programming.)
We actually know the directions and the access points to resolve the ravages of chronic fear. We developed for you at our Live Your Dream Life Retreat so that we can help you can transcend your experience of life from depletion and limitation to a deep experience of vitality, inner peace, and unlimited possibility.
It's not as hard as it may sound. Of course you don't know how to let go. Yet, with the right techniques and secrets and a strong intention, letting go is easy. It actually takes more energy to hold on than it does to let go. It helps to become aware of where and how you are holding on.What we have to offer you is a proven, reliable, predictable process that will teach you how to let go of the contraction that locks fear in place and allows it to build at our weekend retreat.
Register now to our FREE Preview event at 727-538-4132 or go to
http://LiveYourDreamLifeRetreat.eventbrite.com to give a try. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain!
That's why we are so grateful and excited that you are reading this email right now. We want to inspire you so that you, too, can envision the shift that's possible.We have found the doorway releasing fear and reviving desires for ourselves and have assisted many others through our unique system. We know our processes will make a difference in your life, too.In the videos in the link are just from some of our satisfied clients. Our results are predictable and reproducible from person to person.
"Fear destroyed my relationships and my finances. So, I went on a journey to discover the keys to having best life possible on earth thru the awesome weekend training that Minh gave. I highly recommend it!" Rita S., Clearwater, FL
You Can Have It All (Really!)
NOTHING Is Impossible To The Person Who Refuses To Listen To Their Mind!
Does that sound like a bunch of baloney? Actually, it is not.
However, I know all this may seem too good to be true, right now. There are so many self-development and personal growth programs out there promising you the world - and for the most part they get you all dressed-up with nowhere to go. That's why, If you've been round the self-development block a few times... and... you've "bought into" just about every "success" program on the planet... I know you must be extremely skeptical.
Maybe this stuff seems just a little too "far out" for you right now. That's okay.
I know how you feel. I've been there. That is why, I would like to invite to a FREE PREVIEW event with me personally guiding you through the entire process of using the secret technique in all areas of your life. Unlike any other self-help program that exists, our program works at your core level -- your feeling level. It is unlike anything you will have experienced before. It is NOT "happy clappy" motivational stuff. It is NOT psychology, philosophy, therapy, positive thinking, subliminal programming, meditation or anything that requires memory or study.
Anyone can learn to use this method in a matter of minutes no matter what their background, financial situation, education or age - (it's even been successfully taught to 5-year old kids!).
I guess the best way to sum it up is this: It Guides You Through The Effortless Process Of "Taking Inventory of Your Mind"...
And... NATURALLY "Letting Go" Of Any (And Every) "Anti Program" Lurking In You And allowing you to Put NEW PROGRAMING OR REPROGRAMING your NEW Life for The Success And Happiness You Secretly Crave!
Unfortunately, from the age of about 5 we habitually suppress many feelings... and these then act as: SELF-SABOTAGE PROGRAMS. Just like a computer with a virus. Take the virus out of the computer and the computer works perfectly with ease. Take the self-sabotaging programs out of the subconscious mind... and... SHAZAAM... everything in your life will start working out perfectly with ease.
That's why motivation stuff, positive thinking, affirmations and traditional goal setting rarely work for most people. In truth: Until and unless you get rid of the self-sabotaging negativity program lurking in your mind - it doesn't matter what "success formula" or "self-help program" you use - it will NEVER work.
Because: The self-sabotage program "eats up" all the positives and "spits them out"! We show you the true 'method' to success to allow you to use all and any self help programs with more success. Because those programs work, but if you negative or past programming 'blocks' the new programming (success programming), it would never work. So that is why so many people get skeptical when it comes to another 'self help' seminar or program.
The difference is, this retreat is NOT like anything else out there.
By the way, did you register for the preview workshop? If not..here:
When you attend Live Your Dream Life Retreat, you'll learn exactly how you can enjoy the life of your dreams, without compromising your soul, your integrity or your ethics in order to succeed your career and in your business. We will show you exactly how to transform your life journey from struggle to success, frustration to joy, and fear to faith.
Details and registration at:
The actual retreat is January 24th and 25th in Clearwater, FL so to get a peak at that retreat simple REGISTER NOW FOR THE FREE PREVIEW WORKSHOP AND ALSO GET A CHANCE TO WIN A FREE $500 GAS CARD!!!If you have any further questions, comments or concerns, you can reach us at 727-538-4132 or email me at
Minh, thank you for your tremendous efforts (you are a true trim taber) a master of your energy, and my time with you has greatly improved my understanding of what is really important in my life and how I can my use my knowledge to help others by giving with unconditional love! (if they are accepting of it and desire my offer)The W.O.W. formats for presenting common sense approach to this information, that you have developed helped me to see how hard, I have been making the universe work for me and before I kept repelling the efforts. And NOW my actions will be taking on a look that is different from what was previously being seen.This weekend working with you and the group has given me a greater focus on what is truly important and has reenergized my confidence in my ability to be effective and consistent in the action of living my life totally in the NOW. because :I Am intelligent, I am abundant, I AM ORGANIZEDI am a educator, i am powerful , I AM FULFILLED!!THANK YOU!
Carl B, St. Petersburg, FL
Here is the testimonial I promised at our last meeting. I hope that it
will help to encourage others to come and hear what you have to offer,
which will enrich their lives.
I have always considered myself a reasonably happy and healthy person,
as do many people. But Iknew that I was not reaching my true
potential and didn't really understandwhy. After meeting with Minh
and attending his retreat, Inot only understood why.....I was
empowered to remove the self-imposed barriers that were blocking me
fromleading a fully enriched life. Thanks to Minhandthe universal
techniques and tools he shared with us, I have already experienced a
positive shift in my life experiences. Now I can approach each day
focused and ready for positive action!
- Rhonda Cantu, Tampa, Florida
I just wanted to take a minute to express my sincere gratitude for allowing me to spend time with you this past weekend at your Living Your Dream Life Now retreat.
The knowledge and experience you shared with us has provided me with a framework to live my life by.
I am implementing the information that I learned and Now realize that I am successful, not only in my personal life, but in my business life as well.
I used to live my life in a state of Doing but have now transformed to living one of Being.
The result has ultimately led me towards actualizing the self courage necessary to achieve my dreams.
I am who I want to be, and you have helped me to find that place.
Without your extraordinary ability to reconnect My foot to the path, I believe I would have continued to spin my wheels, and ultimately, burned out.
Thank you so much, Minh. I am so fortunate to have met you, and look forward to working with you in the future.
Attain The Unattainable,
Lars Wiren (Clearwater, FL)12/11/08
Hi Minh-I have attended many seminars through out the years ranging from clinical to motivational to real estate and just about everything dealing with success and motivation. Some were better than others but few of them supplied me with the practical tools that i could apply after the seminar ended. This was not the case with minh's two day retreat.At this seminar I learned practical tools for achieving my goals in a very small intimate setting allowing for a lot of one on one feedback from minh. To have someone of his caliber being that available along with his proven system of success is truly an unusual combination that i would recommend to anyone who wants to improve any and all areas of their lives..Thank you minh I can already see positive changes after only one week!Dr. Glenn B. (Orlando, Fl)
This was harder to write than I thought it would be, so many clichs came to my mind, so let me just say thank you. Thank you for inviting me to your weekend retreat, as you know I had many reasons and excuses not to accept. Something told me to change my plans and I am glad I did. It has been a long time since Ive experienced such peace and clarity. I, like so many people had started to enjoy the drama I was creating in my life, listening to the fear of lack, the anger of others, then along comes your subtle methods of awaking the soul, reminding me of the truth spoken so long ago, be still and know that I AM. Our paths are now on the same journey, the same direction and may others join us in this peaceful walk. I am more than willing to let others know, if peace, success and clarity are what you seek; then your weekend retreats are the real thing.
William J Rae,CEO HBW of Florida
Thank You Minh...I hope you and your wife have a wonderful holiday!!! I also wanted to thank you for helping me...although we only had a quick conversation on the phone the day of your shoot, you said a couple of things that've completely changed my mindset...things I'd heard a million times before, but for some reason it clicked when you and I talked. I'm focused on living in the moment. The anxiety and stress that I've been carrying for years has suddenly gone away. I realize I can not control the future and if I obsess and worry in the moment about what might or might not happen tomorrow, I'm not enjoying life as it's happening. THANK YOU!!!! I've been sharing the news with everyone around me, telling friends and family about you and your amazing story. I hope to see you again soonCarrie R.
St. Petersburg, FL
'I have had conversations with Minh that had more to do with life situations and nothing at all to do with real estate--he is better than a therapist! In addition, as I have become better at applying the techniques that Minh has taught me, my business has started to come together. Now, I know that its only a matter of time before my business becomes a profitable vehicle for transforming my life.'
Carlyle B.
Fairfax, VA
By Phyllis Johnson
My mission, my passion, I live for these workshops, says Minh Pham about the weekend retreats he facilitates to help participants move closer to living their dream lives.
As a participant in Minhs December workshop at Reuben Icott Center, I had an opportunity to look into the roadblocks that have held me back from accomplishing the goals I set for myself. Along with a small diverse group of enthusiastic people with aspirations and dreams, Minh guided us into reprogramming our lives.
Through his probing we identified the environmental and parental influences we have grown up with. We worked on new ways of seeing and doing. Through observations, meditation and group dynamics, with Minhs direction, we gained insight into how to redirect our thinking.
Sometimes it was silence through meditation that cleared our minds. Minh played appropriate CDs as background music throughout the weekend to create a certain mood. For one of the participants, a hard-driving construction company manager building a networking enterprise for a future career, every hour was accounted for in his daily routine. The idea of an unstructured few moments of silence seemed foreign. This was the case for most of us who were propelled along not making provisions to clear the mind so new thoughts could materialize.
Minh espouses the philosophy that a perfect life is achieveable through focusing attention on what you desire. People who do that can rewire their brains. At the workshop we were inundated with the idea that control of attention is the ultimate individual power, that we are not prisoners of the stimuli around them. Behaviors and attitudes flow directly from the new paradigm you create, was Minhs feeling.
Are you making the best choices? asked Minh. He told us to be acutely aware of our thoughts, then be aware of our words which are the second level of creation . Our actions, through implementation, are the third level. When you find a purpose everything follows, said Minh. Live your life with no reservations and always be grateful.
We worked through the process of achieving awareness which in some cases evoked painful memories, Throughout, the atmosphere was congenial, participants were supportive, and the pacing moved the first day along quickly. When we left the first day at 6 p.m. Minh told us not to talk about the day to friends or family and come back next morning to relay how we ha
Organized by Minh Pham
Ticket Info: - Sample Ticket, $5.99
- Donation to Walking on Water, 501c Non Profit, Free
- Donation to Walking on Water, 501c Non Profit, Free
Official Website: http://freelifecoaching-upcoming.eventbrite.com