33 Rockingham Lane
Sheffield, England S1 4FW

LIVE KRISHNA MUSIC CONCERT. Hold on to your hats because great musician Sakhya Rasa is coming to town! He is playing LIVE in Sheffield together with professional saxophonist Raman from India.

Sakhya Rasa has been a devotee for more than 25 years in Bhaktivedanta Manor. For many years he is an expert devotional musician. He is also charismatic & humorous speaker. His music performance is very lively, attractive and humorous. Prepare yourselves for relaxing, enlivening evening. Free yourself completely from stress and anxiety.

The program will include traditional Indian Bengali singing, English devotional songs, etc.

Come and see how spiritual life can be fun!

The program will be light and fun so you can bring all your friends, who may not be necessary familiar with spiritual life.

The event is free, however donation is recommended.

Watch him playing in Leicester Rathayatra 2009:

The Circle, 1st floor, room 3

Hare Krishna devotees

Added by Gouranga Festivals on October 30, 2009

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