5028 Eagle Rock Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90041

On Saturday, April 12th, from 5-7pm, Dottie Grossman and Michael Vlatkovich, also known as "Call And Response" will be performing at That Yarn Store (5028 Eagle Rock Blvd, Eagle Rock, CA; one block south of Colorado Blvd).

The concert is free, although donations are accepted.

Critically acclaimed, the duo has performed across the US, and routinely opens the Potter Valley Jazz Festival. Though music and poetry may have beatnik associations for some, rest assured that this is no bongos and beret affair. Grossman's poetry covers a wide range of emotional territory, and Vlatkovich is always right there with her, whether to reinforce the sentiment of the poem, or completely turn it on its head. It is not uncommon to be close to tears at the end of a poem, and rolling with laughter during the response.

The magazine, "JAZZIZ" has called Vlatkovich, "...one of the most extraordinary improvising trombonists in this country as well as overseas. Also a gifted composer and arranger, Vlatkovich is one of the leading talents among Los Angeles improvisational players. Working from the Left Coast since 1973, he is well known for tireless touring, bringing his music all over the United States, Canada, and Europe. A daring and emotionally charged performer, Vlatkovich takes delight in blending a broad variety of jazz and world music styles into his own brand of engaging and unpredictable music. His approach manages to express a raw power and beauty within a minimally structured format that allows extensive group improvisations to lead the way." The CD, "Call And Response" (on the pfMentum label) represents Grossman and Vlatkovich in live performance mode.

Official Website: http://thatyarnstore.com

Added by atheame1 on March 27, 2008

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