147 W. 25th Street 8th Floor
New York City, New York

Free Introductory Workshop for Ohashiatsu

"How you deal with energy is how you deal with life. By recognizing it and helping it flow through our bodies, we become physically and emotionally balanced." - Ohashi Sensei

We invite you to a Free Introductory Workshop to learn about Ohashiatsu, a touch modality developed by author and international teacher Ohashi, and based on Eastern, energy-based techniques that heal and rejuvenate. Ohashiatsu courses and private sessions are holistic experiences involving body, mind and spirit.

Courses offer theory, exercises, meditation and hands-on training. Studying Ohashiatsu strengthens your body, improves your health, makes you more flexible, and offers a deeper understanding of yourself and others. You will learn knowledge and techniques that can be used immediately with friends and family, and which can be applied to your work and career.

The Institute offers on-going courses at it's Manhattan location, and at Affiliate locations in the metro area. It's easy to catch a class that is convenient for your schedule -once a week, weekends, or a retreat intensive.

Attend our next Free Workshop and receive a $100 scholarship when you register within one week of the workshop. Call today for information. or just show up. Wear loose fitting clothing that allows movement. Refreshments served.

If you are a professional bodyworker or healthcare professional please inquiry about our discount for professionals in these fields.

Come and join us for a of discovery and relaxation.

The workshop takes place Wednesday June 29, 2005 6-8pm. Contact: 646 486 1187 or registrar@ohashiatsu.com


Take 1 or 9 to 23rd Street walk 2 blocks uptown to 25th Street then make a left and walk towards 6th Ave., F to 23rd Street walk 2 blocks uptown to 25th Street then make a right and walk towards 7th Ave., A or E to 23rd Street exit at 23rd Street exit and walk 1 1/2 blocks towards 6th Ave.

Added by Ohashi on June 2, 2005

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