Mumbai, Maharashtra

A FREE online telesummit on the topic of personal happiness and well-being will take place over the internet from July16-27.

Registration and details are at:

The Britelife Summit on Happiness will feature ten experts in the field of personal development who will discuss practical strategies to help people achieve greater happiness and well-being.

Recordings of the events will be available if you cannot listen live at the scheduled time.

The summit will cover such topics as:

- How to live your life's passion every day

- How to be more in control of how you respond to life

- How to experience a happier, more fulfilling life

- How to revolutionize your life by shifting your perspective

The summit will run Monday-Friday for two weeks. One speaker will be featured each day.

You will be able to listen to the speakers over the internet or by phone. Recordings of the events will be available if you cannot listen live.

You can attend as many sessions as you want.

Come raise your happiness level -- and that of the planet as well!

This event is totally free. To register for the summit or to get more details, go to:

Official Website:

Added by bwpr on July 17, 2012

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