29 Warburton Ave
Yonkers, New York 10701

Join us on Saturday, June 7th for a free historic walking tour in downtown Yonkers, in celebration of National Trails Day! Our fearless leader, Lucille Sciacca, will trace the original path of the Saw Mill River and point out the sights in the Waterfront Yonkers area.

We recommend good walking shoes, a camera, and sunscreen!

The walk will begin at Philipse Manor Hall State Historic Site (29 Warburton Avenue) at 10 AM. Registration takes place at 9:45 AM. The tour is about a 1.3 mile walk, and we suggest allowing two hours for the event.

For further information, please contact Lucille Sciacca at 914-965-4027.

Official Website: http://www.philipsemanorhall.blogspot.com

Added by BrittanyPhilipse on May 31, 2008

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