6 South Washington Street
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

Pogo Mojo - underground dance party

Featuring the Hairy Drain Babies
Plus rare Michigan appearance by Mhz (with Ben Mancell of Pist'n'Broke / Nadsat Nation)
And late additions, the Boxcars!

3 DJs + 3 local bands
FREE! (optional $2 donation goes to the bands)
Enter drawing to win underground merchandise.
DJs start at 8pm, 1st band starts at 9pm sharp!
18 and over. Support your local scene!

Official Website: http://pogodance.com/

Added by university on December 20, 2006



Rare Michigan appearance by Mhz (with Ben Mancell of Pist'n'Broke, Nadsat Nation)