222 West Ontario Street, Suite 400
Chicago, Illinois 60610

Led by an expert Instructor, Manhattan GMAT’s free GMAT Previews provide an overview of the test, a strategy session for getting a high score, and an understanding of the exam’s role in the B-school application process. The Preview is ideal for anyone who wonders about when to take the GMAT, how to employ pivotal strategies exclusive to computer adaptive tests, when to get started studying, or what ManhattanGMAT is all about. All attendees will receive a $100 discount off any 9-Session course.

Register for the event, and find more information at www.manhattangmat.com.

Official Website: http://www.manhattangmat.com/EventShow.cfm?EID=3&eventID=5334

Added by M_GMAT on April 6, 2010