40,000 people take the GMAT each month; it's not surprising that so many myths exist about what the GMAT tests, how it's scored, and why it's computer adaptive format makes the GMAT different than a typical standardized exam. Our experts separate fact from fiction, helping you gain the in-depth understanding of the test that you really need.
In addition, you learn how competitive GMAT scores require more than short-cuts and tricks. In order to ace the GMAT, you must start with the basics, build a foundation, and steadily progress to the most advanced test questions; your teacher will show you how Manhattan GMAT provides you with this unique type of preparation. Finally, we provide you with four practical strategies to use as you move forward, as well as discounts off of complete programs and giveaways at the end of the class.
Sign up online here or send an email to kim@manhattangmat.com. You can also register by phone at 800-576-4628.
Official Website: http://www.manhattangmat.com/gmat-prep-boston-home.cfm
Added by kimwatkins on June 8, 2006