1890 Huntington Drive
San Marino, California 91108

The City of San Marino is sponsoring a series of four free presentations on water preservation by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. The California Friendly Landscape Training classes have proven to be an important and successful tool for reducing outdoor water use through the education of professional landscapers and home gardeners. The classes that are being offered in San Marino are geared for residential homeowners, and participants will find them quite interesting. Note the two locations:

Saturday, September 4 - Landscape Basic Design-8:30am-12pm at Crowell Public Library, 1890 Huntington Drive, San Marino 91108
Saturday, September 18 - California Friendly Plants-8:30am-12pm at Crowell Public Library, 1890 Huntington Drive, San Marino 91108
Saturday, October 2 - Efficient Irrigation Systems-8:30am-12pm in the San Marino Center, Fireside Room, 1800 Huntington Drive, San Marino, 91108
Saturday, October 9 - Soil, Fertilizer, and Watering-8:30am-12pm in the San Marino Center, Fireside Room, 1800 Huntington Drive, San Marino, 91108

Registration is necessary and will close one week prior to scheduled class date. Participants should be aware that classes with fewer than 20 registrations will be cancelled, so prompt registration is important. To register, please call or Ron Serven, Environmental Services Manager at (626) 300-0711 or email rserven@cityofsanmarino.org

Added by Crowell Library on August 20, 2010

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