505 N Springinsguth Rd
Schaumburg, Illinois 60194

Roundtable discussions with a Licenced Realtor, a Loan Officer, a Home Inspector, an Attorney, and a Certified Accountant. Topics of discussion will include how to buy a foreclosure, new homes vs existing homes, how important credit is when buying a new home, which mortgage program is best for you, do you qualify for the new $7500 tax credit, tax advantages of home ownership, the top 10 home defects, the importance of home inspections, important contingencies in real estate contracts, and the role of an attorney in a real estate sale! Register online at www.chicagolandhomebuyerseminar.com

Official Website: http://www.chicagolandhomebuyerseminar.com

Added by Victoria Roos on February 19, 2009

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