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Leading Non-profits Discuss "Best Practices" for Using Virtual Worlds for Activism, Collaboration, Education, and Fundraising
Friday, February 8, 8:30AM PST, Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater in Second Life
Event Details:
TITLE: Presentation and Discussion on "Best Practices for Non-profits in Second Life"
DATE / TIME: Friday, February 8, 2008, 8:30-9:30AM PST
LOCATION: Main Amphitheater, Plush Nonprofit Commons sim (teleport SLURL)
The year 2007 was a remarkable year for charitable and civil society activity in Second Life -- from the launch of the 32-office Plush Nonprofit Commons to the record US$100,000 raised by the SL Relay for Life. On Friday, February 8, from 8:30-9:30AM PST, there will be presentation and discussion on "Best Practices for Non-profits in Second Life." Based on a report prepared by Global Kids organizer Rik Panganiban, the program will explore what are some of the lessons that non-profits have learned from their first forays into the virtual world.
From Education to Fundraising, Community Outreach, Collaboration and Activism, citizen's groups are beginning to figure out how to spread their messages and support their causes using 3D multi-user environments like Second Life. Organizers from groups including the SL Relay for Life, the Alliance Library System, Global Kids, and YearlyKos will talk about their own experiences in each of these areas, followed by an open discussion.
This forum is particularly relevant for non-profit managers, activists, funders, and community organizers trying to decide if Second Life can help their organizations. And we encourage groups to share your own experiences (good and bad) with working in SL during the open discussion period. We'll close the event with ideas for next steps in building up civil society spaces in Second Life, and beyond.
The full text of the report can be downloaded from this link. At the event a virtual "thinkbook" will be available, providing the main recommendations from the report.
Prepared on behalf of the Online Leadership Program of Global Kids, the report was made possible by support from the Digital Media and Learning Initiative of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
A report and photos from the event will be available shortly afterwards for those not able to attend.
For more information, contact Rik Panganiban at rik [at] globalkids [dot] org or in-world IM to Rik Riel.
Official Website:
Added by tsmegan on February 4, 2008