1351 58th Street
Sacramento, California 95819

Free Electronic-Waste (E-Waste) Recycling Drive

Free drop off Saturday, October 11, 2008
9A.M. - 2P.M.
St. Mary School parking lot
1351 58th Street, Sacramento, 95819
(Enter from M Street)

Proceeds to benefit
St. Mary School 6th Grade Sly Park Experience

We will accept: monitors, televisions, desktop and notebook PCs, VCRs, stereo equipment, speakers, keyboards, mice, PDAs, digital cameras, zip drives, telephones, cell phones, printers, copiers, laser and multifunction scanners and fax machines.

We cannot accept: Household appliances (for example, refrigerators, washers/dryers etc.) furniture, hazardous household waste (including: fluorescent light bulbs, paint, pesticides, used oil, cleaning supplies, tires etc.).

If you are unable to make it on Saturday, October 11th
please contact Adrienne Chargin at (916) 452-1100 ex. 26
or email smsachargin@yahoo.com

Provided by CEAR INC
California Electronic Asset Recovery, Inc
A state approved electronic waste collector and recycler.
For optimal security, CEAR INC shreds all accepted computer hard drives. Their facility is monitored 24/7 by surveillance cameras.
For additional information about CEAR INC please visit www.cearinc.com


Official Website: http://teacherweb.com/CA/SaintMarySchool/MrsChargin/ap1.stm

Added by FullCalendar on August 30, 2008

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