2510 Channing Way Suite 4
Berkeley, California 94704

Experience the Power of Meditation - Every Sunday 10am-10:30am

For thousands of years meditation has been valued in the East for its spiritual and therapeutic benefits. Today lots of people from around the world are onto the many benefits it has to offer - improved health, happiness, and wellbeing! This course brings together various forms of this practice in a way that's simple to learn, and enjoyable too.

Learn how to:

-Deeply relax the body
-Focus your attention in order to still the mind and allow a greater clarity to emerge
-Become aware of your inner world of thoughts, feelings and emotions
-Visualise and use the concentrated mind to imagine, explore and remember
-Concentrate upon sound and music, free from the distraction of thought
-Become alert to the world around you, bringing awareness to the peace of the present moment

Discover how meditation can greatly enrich and enhance the many areas of your life, just as it has for countless people, across different cultures, faiths and time.

We hope to see you there!
San Francisco Bay Area Gnostic Center

Keywords: meditation, visualization, magic, gnosis, self improvement, consciousness, higher self, divine, peace, love understanding, gnosticism

Official Website: http://www.gnosticweb.com/Berkeley-Gnostic-Center

Added by SF Bay Area Gnostic Centre on March 14, 2008