WHAT: Free Climate Change Film Festival and Panel Discussions
WHEN: Friday, May 23rd (6-10pm) and Saturday, May 24th (noon-10pm)
WHERE: Vancouver Public Library (Alice MacKay Room), Central Branch, 350 W. Georgia Street
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Jon Steinman – Deconstructing Dinner (http://www.kootenaycoopradio.com/deconstructingdinner/)
FEATURED FILMS: “Who Killed the Electric Car?” “Kilowatt Ours” and “Garbage” – See attachment for complete list
PANEL DISCUSSIONS: May 24th from 2-3pm and from 6-7pm. Featuring (2-3pm): Jon Steinman (Deconstructing Dinner), Tom Rankin (Save Our Rivers), Hannah Askew (Healthy Planet Kitchens) – (6-7pm): Dr. Erica Frank (Food, Health and the Climate), Rob Baxter (Sierra Club – Vancouver Renewable Energy Coop), John Stonier (Vancouver Electric Vehicle Association), Tom Rankin (Save Our Rivers).
MORE DETAILS: Please visit www.sierraclub.bc.ca and follow the links.
environmental films with a positive spin
Friday May 23, 2008:
Film #1: Too Hot Not to Handle
Topic: Leading scientists provide a solid explanation of global warming and its effects.
Length: 60 minutes
For more info: http://www.hbo.com/docs/programs/toohot/
Film #2: Garbage
Topic: The Story of a Canadian family that agrees to keep their garbage for 3 months.
Length: 75 minutes
For more info: http://www.garbagerevolution.com/
Film # 3: The Nature of Things with David Suzuki: The Weather Report
Topic: The film travels to the Canadian Arctic, Montana, Northern Kenya, China and India, visiting communities and ordinary people whose lives and livelihoods are being impacted by global warming.
Length: 45 minutes
For more info: http://www.cbc.ca/natureofthings/weatherreport.html
Saturday May 24, 2008
Film #1: The Story of Stuff
Topic: An animated explanation of the inherent problems in our production and consumption patterns.
Length: 20 minutes
For more info: http://www.storyofstuff.com/
Film #2: Power Play: the Theft of BC’s Rivers
Topic: The leasing of BC’s rivers to corporations for private hydro-power projects.
Length: 20 minutes
For more info: http://saveourrivers.ca/content/view/98/
Film #3: Wind Over Water
Topic: The debate over an offshore wind farm proposed off the southern coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Length: 30 minutes
For more info: http://www.windoverwater.org/
Film #4: The Climate of Change
Topic: Demonstrates the environmental impact that a local municipal government can make in the absence of federal leadership
Length: 15 minutes
For more info: http://www.iclei.org/index.php?id=800
Film #5: Vineyard Energy Project
Topic: The story of Martha’s Vineyard, an island off the US east coast, and their journey to becoming energy independent through the use of solar and wind energy.
Length: 12 minutes
For more info: http://www.vineyardenergyproject.org/
Film #6: Who Killed the Electric Car
Topic: This film investigates possible suspects in the vanishing of the electric car that was on the road in the early 1990’s.
Length: 120 minutes
For more info: http://www.sonyclassics.com/whokilledtheelectriccar/
Film #7: Being Caribou
Topic: For 5 months, a Canadian couple migrates on foot with the 123,000-member porcupine caribou herd from wintering to calving grounds in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. After completing their journey, they head to Washington, DC to tell politicians and activists what they found.
Length: 54 minutes
For more info: http://www.beingcaribou.com/beingcaribou/index.html
Film #8: Kilowatt Ours
Topic: The film moves from the coal mines of West Virginia to the solar panel fields of Florida as the film-maker discovers solutions to America’s energy related problems.
Length: 56 minutes
For more info: http://www.kilowattours.org/
Film #9: Crude Impact
Topic: explores the interconnection between human domination of the planet, and the discovery and use of oil.
Length: 20 minutes
For more info: http://www.crudeimpact.com/show.asp?content_id=9665
Official Website: http://www.sierraclub.bc.ca
Added by thegreenpages on May 10, 2008