UC Irvine
Irvine, California

January 10 – March 9
Contemporary Arts Center Gallery
Cabo Nombre: A Solo Project by Zinny & Maidagan
Artist Reception January 10 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
In an attempt to learn and appropriate the façade of UCI’s Langson library, Cabo Nombre presents drawings of the site on paper and unfolded planes of fabric. Historically, the library’s serial repetition of architectonic units stemmed from the economic and technological availability of "pre-cast concrete."
More specifically Langson’s façade consists of a three-dimensional element repeated in an almost military order in relation to the broken line of the mountain’s horizon vista, contrasting orthogonal order with interrupted immensity. This signatory element, which is repeated on Langston’s façade, has a female morphology – both uterine and test tube – as if Nature had turned itself into a serial machine of the identical.
Zinny & Maidagan transform these units in their sculptural “fabric-drawing,” conceived and designed specifically for the new CAC Gallery’s 60-foot uninterrupted wall space. Continuing the methodology Zinny & Maidagan have employed in previous works, Cabo Nombre returns to this historical site, replete with social and political connotations, appropriating Langston’s abstract visual language as a means of re-interpreting this UCI monument in the contemporary moment. In every way, Cabo Nombre is thus historically and poetically allegorical.
Check website for Gallery hours: www.ucigallery.com or call (949) 824-9854.

Official Website: http://www.arts.uci.edu/event/free-cabo-nombre-solo-project-zinny-maidagan

Added by ClaireTrevor on November 19, 2012